Oh well, it's quantity of blog entries, not quality, right? The past few days have been busy again, but looking up. After no improvement, we took my dog to the vet, where she was tentatively diagnosed as having had a stroke. She got some nice cortisone injections, and while she is not yet herself (and may never be all the way), she's doing so much better. I'm glad not to need to say goodbye.
I've started riding again, and Starla is doing pretty well. The new barn is new environment than we are accustomed, but at least everyone is friendly.
I've spent a lot more time in Marysville than expected, because I wanted to be here for my dog. Last night I went back up to Seattle so I could have a night out with Angela and her husband. We went to the Melting Pot, which was completely amazing, and a great deal. If you go any day of the week during happy hour (4-6pm or 9-11pm) the chocolate and cheese fondues are half off. Drinks aren't bad either, considering it's a pretty classy place.
Today I caught the bus and headed to the University District, which I decided is the coolest part of Seattle. My friend Gabriele and her boyfriend Charlie met up with me and we had fantastic greek food at Costas, then got drinks at Earl's. We had heard that Earl's was like our own beloved Pete's in Salem, and there were definite similarities. The major difference is we were on University Avenue during a Huskies football game and the bar was packed with a sea of purple people. It was a little too crazy to get a good feel of the place, but I'll go back again.
Haha, I'll I've done the last couple days is eat delicious food! I was excited because I'd lost 3-4 lbs since getting back from Arizona, but I feel like I may have put that back with fondue alone :)
Pretty tired tonight, so I'm going to hit the hay soon. Ray Lamontagne tomorrow! I'm really excited. I just wish they weren't predicting rain. Anyways, goodnight.
New Years Resolutions: The List
13 years ago