I've made it through hike number four, and it's only the first weekend in Feb! I'm pretty excited, but in truth, I'm just worried I won't get the opportunities later in the year, so I'm squishing in as many trips as possible. Today I hiked Tiger Mountain, up Chirico Trail, a 4 mile round trip with a 1700ft elevation change. There was a lot of up.
My friend Jessie and her dog Annie made the trip with me. The only downside was an asthma issue from my allergies. I didn't have my inhaler, since this is usually not a problem til the spring. I guess the warm patch we are having might have made some spores shoot off or something. I solved this with benadryl I keep in my pack, but it meant after I returned from the hike I more or less passed out for hours. Still, it was better to be able to breathe.
The hike give some of the most beautiful views of the mountains and the cities on this 55 degree sunny day. My photos don't do the real view justice, but they are good for the memories.

Mount Rainier in the sun!
Jessie and Annie.

I couldn't get tired of this mountain.

Mount Baker to the north.

I'm on top of the world!

Squak and Cougar Mtns, with the Olympics in the far back.

Lake Sammamish.

You could not pay me enough to jump off of the paragliding ramp.

Even though, I have to admit it looks like fun.
Such a good trip. I'll definitely do this hike again, though maybe I'll try the meandering way next time. 1700ft in 1.8 miles was a lot of up. With this hike and my other three of the new year, I've hiked 21 miles and 4100+ft. Pretty cool for a lady with a bum hip!
I'll need to update this blog on other aspects of my life besides hiking, but not tonight. It's dinner time now, then maybe time to catch up on Hulu and work on thesis.