Right now I am in Arizona. BF is in class all day, so I pretty much have free time to do whatever I want (which is read up on horse stuff and catch up on my woefully neglected blog). I had a pretty fantastic living situation this summer. The girls I moved in with were nearly complete strangers, but probably ended up being the best roommates I've ever had.
In July I went to New Hampshire for two weeks, and had a lot of fun, despite the heat wave. We went down to Boston, up to the White Mountains were we stayed for super cheap thanks to travelocity. It was a really great trip, I just wish I could have visited at some point when they weren't enjoying a heat and humidity wave. I have to say, a great thing about AZ is how it lacks the humidity of the East Coast even though it is much hotter here.
I have two more weeks in Arizona, which suits me just fine. This feels like my first lazy break of the summer, and I am enjoying having no obligations on my time. Yesterday we went to the Tucson Zoo (Reid Park), and that was pretty fantastic. I love going to zoos and seeing the fantastic creatures evolved on this earth.When I finish here, I'll be flying to Seattle and setting up shop. I left my horse at the boarding stable in Salem before I went on my travels, because I trust my barn owner there to make certain she's safe.
Arizona in August is very different than the Pacific Northwest, but it isn't as bad as I expected. The heat is so much more dry than home. You really feel it when you walk on the cement though...you feel like you are being cooked from underneath. So far we've been bat watching, seen a few amazing sunsets, driven to the mountains, and checked at bars here. There is that same sort of organic, sustainable movement here as in the Northwest, so I am liking that experience very much. On Friday the University of Arizona hosts a farmers market that I want to check out. I want to take some fat heirloom tomatoes, basil, balsalmic, and mozzarella cheese for a delicious hot-weather meal.
As for today, I think I am going to be a bum. Yesterday we walked in the heat most of the day (though the zoo does a fantastic job keeping you shaded), and it wore me out. We ended up starting a Terry Pratchett movie "Hogfather" (AWESOME, any fans of his Discworld series should watch), and going to sleep listening to the thunder storm.
I don't have too much more to say in this, but I'll post some pictures from New Hampshire, and maybe next time I write I'll have some good ones from Arizona to share. Until next time...
Boston Harbor Drive to North Conway The White Mountains
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