Basically, it occurred to me today that there are two types of people in the world- those who like How to Train Your Dragon, and those who don't. The former are my friends, and the latter, beyond dead to me.
You might argue that there are also those who have not seen HTYD, but I don't consider this a category in itself. There exists in every person the potential for great good or great evil, and HTYD is merely the fastest way of quantifying where someone falls on that spectrum. Whether they have seen the movie or not, they will eventually be sorted into two groups.
Don't fear, I would never assume we live in a world of hate where half of all people correctly love the movie, and a foolish half turn their backs on it. I'm much more of an optimist than that. I assume realistically there are only, say, five people evil enough not to love that movie. One of them is probably that nutter who leads that church who is always saying that 9/11 was caused because of gays, or that Haiti deserved the earthquake because they signed a deal with Satan. I bet he wouldn't be able to recognize wholesome, family-friendly fun if you slapped him across the face with the VHS version.
Besides being a measure of one's soul, HTYD is also just the best thing in the world. If I could do one thing (and there was some stipulation, like no world peace, no making sure everyone had food and water, no curing cancer, etc) I would have everyone watch that movie.
I have a huge conflict going on internally about this. My own family and boyfriend have not seen the movie. The dragon reminds me of my recently passed-away doggie, so I will give my family a one-year pass before watching the movie, as it might be painful now. It will happen though. As for Leo, do I threaten to leave him if he doesn't watch it, or should I be more subtle than that? I've tried dropping hints. Today for instance:
Me: I was going to order How to Train Your Dragon this weekend on Netflix, but I thought I'd wait until you got here in January.
BF (being deliberately obtuse): But you've already seen that movie.
Me: You haven't though. It teaches you the values of friendship, how to be a good Viking, and most importantly, how to train any dragons you might come across.
BF: You could say that the last thing is probably the major focus of the film.
Me: So you'll watch it with me? Dragon training is a useful skill.
BF:....So, what are your plans now that finals are done?
I'll get him. He will watch that movie, if it is the last thing I ever do. I know how to subtlely pick away at him until he gives in. I want him to think he's doing it for me. It will make it all the sweeter when he realizes that showing him HTYD is the biggest expression of love I could ever give him.
I really don't have much more to say on the subject, as the movie speaks for itself. If you haven't already done so, run out, buy the movie, and watch it non-stop this weekend. You won't regret it.
Well bring the darn thing home for Christmas, or should Santa bring it? I warn you though if it makes me cry like bolt or the first couple minutes of chron of narnia I won't be happy.
ReplyDeleteOnly watched old yeller once, homeward bound once. Bambi once. Dumbo once. Not because I didn't like the movies, but because I hurt for them.
Watching your old dad cry is not to be considered sport.