Winter quarter is well underway, just one more month until finals. I've grown more adjusted to my life here, and the cold Seattle weather. Time is passing so quickly, and so much has happened. I'm starting work on my thesis, a project relating MRSA carriage in health care workers working with children with cystic fibrosis to the strains carried by the children and in the general facility. Next week I will have an interview for an unpaid internship with a prestigious nonprofit infectious disease research institute for my practicum. I'm hoping it goes well and they end up liking me so much that they offer me a paid job for this summer.
Not knowing my job prospects is a little stressful. I realized I've been so spoiled- I had three summers at Zales with no question that I would be hired on each time, and two summers at Nunhems as a research person. Honestly, I could probably work again at Nunhems, but I'm hoping to keep my lovely apartment in Seattle. Besides, a summer in Seattle sounds like a pretty grand adventure. I feel like a large number of people my age would be very happy for the opportunity. I'm certain I'll find some job, as I have the unique trait of practicality. Worst comes to worst, I'll go back to retail.
This quarter my main classes are Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, Control of Environmentally Transmitted Microbial Hazards, and Environmental Analysis, Sampling, and Monitoring Methods. I think UW prides itself on making the longest class titles possible. I'm also taking a seminar and working in the lab.
Leo came and stayed with me in January. I loved seeing him and doing traditional Seattle tourist-y things, like Pike Place, SAM, the EMP, and University Ave. I ended up getting a terrible cold the last few days he was here, but I was just happy to have him here. It was hard when he left though- you get used to doing the distance thing, but as soon as you see them again you realize how much you miss them and want them to be near always.
I'm hoping to see him again in March. We have some grand plans that may or may not come through, but regardless, I will do my best to ensure we get to see each other, regardless of whether we get to complete our road trip or not.
I have been much more busy lately than I feel I was last quarter. Every moment seems to be budgeted, and I'm not getting to do as much as I'd like. I'd like to take some trips to Oregon, and spend more time with friends, but I feel like that may not be an option until the summer. Each week I still ride Starla at least three times, and that is a priority. Time passes so quickly, and I want to enjoy every moment I have with her before she needs to be retired. She's 19 and healthy though, so I hope to have many years of adventures left with her. Still, it influences my decisions and how I like to spend my time. And, of course, Leo is a priority. This quarter we have set days we talk, which sounds weird to everyone, but actually makes our talks better and longer. It's hard to find something that works for long distance. Monday we are having a non-scheduled skype for Valentine's Day. I can't believe I've been lucky enough that this is my third Valentine's day with Leo.
I've started swimming as a means of getting in shape, and I feel it is really helping my body. My goal is to swim twice a week. On top of that, I've started doing archery on Fridays. It is insanely fun. Last night was my second chance (it is free at the IMA), and I've already improved so much! They had a contest where the person who can shoot the small balloon in the center of the target gets a treat. My first shot, I nailed the balloon! As my friend Gabby points out, this is extremely impressive, because normally I can't even hit the target! What was hilarious to me, is that as soon as they put the next balloon up, I hit it first thing too. I guess I'm very motivated by prizes :) I think I might join the archery club. I want to join the equestrian club, I just haven't asked the questions I should to find out if I could even compete. I guess I don't see a need to pay $40 in dues to join a club where I'd just be visiting with other equestrians every month or so. It would be fun, but I already have a barn I spend 10 hours a week at, filled with equestrian type folk. It would be so nice to be able to compete in a community though.
Other than that, I'm still just trying to gain a sense of community with my fellow classmates, hanging out with Willamette friends, and trying to find opportunities to take advantage of Seattle. I can't wait for the farmer's markets to open up next month, and for the sun to start shining. There should be fun music festivals to look forward to, and I'm hoping to maybe be more a part of the sustainable and vegetarian communities in Seattle. Lol, I just wish I had more time and money to enjoy all these things!
I think this post has been so much catching up that I will make another, shorter post after of more specific incidences. I think I'll post some random pics from the last couple months, and see if I can't be a more regular blogger from now on!
New Years Resolutions: The List
13 years ago
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