After we finished our date, I drove back to my folks place for the night, since I had a dentist appointment in the morning. My mom and dad surprised me with flowers and presents (and food) for Valentine's, which was completely awesome. I didn't get to spend much time with my folks though, since I didn't get in until 11pm or so.
The dentist was as fun as the dentist always is, but at least I don't have any new cavities. I went straight from my app0intment to Starla's spring vet check up, which included chiropractic adjustment, teeth floating, and vaccinations. I was particularly impressed with the chiropractic procedure, as I didn't know what to expect, but the vet found all of the "trouble" areas without being told where to find them. I'm excited to ride and see if I feel a difference. After I hung out in the barn and worked on homework while Starla was still tranquilized, so I could keep an eye on her. I sat in an old barn and listened to the rainstorm. I'm so lucky that I have the opportunity to experience so many peaceful simple things because of horses.
Today I planted my indoor starts to what should be a truly epic garden. I'm going to give that it's own post, because I'm just so excited. I got to talk to Leo again tonight, which was really nice. I like having the set schedule of days to talk- really gives me something to look forward to during the week. After we finished up, I headed over to Angela's to plant a few more starts and watch some Supernatural.
I realize as I post this that it sounds like I never do anything school related, when in actuality that is the majority of what I do. I guess I just don't feel like posting about it. Though sooner or later I will write about my continued adventures with the dancer maintenance man in the hallways. And I have some thoughts about some of the lectures I've been to in the past months, I just feel they deserve their own posts and it's a struggle just to keep updating. But it will happen, I promise.
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