Spring break is the best! Not only have I gotten to ride my horse every day for the last three days, I got to go hiking today with my friend Jessie from school. We hiked about six miles at Cougar Mountain, an easy hike just out of Seattle. There was maybe a 800-900 ft elevation gain, so there were some parts where we were huffing and puffing, but mainly it was a great time on a pretty day! We're going to try to explore more in April.

Coal Creek Falls- We ate lunch at the base of the falls.

Lots of streams all through the hike.

We wandered off the beaten path for a little bit, found some pretty surprises.

Happy because I'm outside in the sun on a Wednesday!

Jessie is excited to hit the trails.
Such a good time! No I'm going to clean up, work on my garden for a bit, do a little research, then head out for drinks with a friend and to pick up the Kombucha mother! Have I mentioned I love spring break?
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