Most of this week was spent doing homework and finishing up a giant paper for microbiology. Oh, and a take-home final for molecular epidemiology. I did have a little time to be creative with food, making a super quick and simple carrot salad, and baking a loaf of rosemary bread while I studied (bread is the perfect studying baking- you have to commit to being around for a long time, but the actual work is small).
Carrot salad:
2 cups Rainbow carrots, sliced
1/4 cup onion, sliced thin
2 teaspoons vinegar
1/2 teaspoon dill
Salt and pepper
Mix, let sit in the fridge a few hours, and enjoy.
Rosemary peasant bread (this is for one small loaf)
1 package quick yeast
1 cup warm, filtered water
1 teaspoon sugar
1 1/2 cups wheat pastry flour
1/2 cup white flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon fresh rosemary leaves
Mix water, yeast, sugar. Allow to sit at least 5 minutes. Mix dry ingredients, add wet to them. Allow to sit in a warm place covered with a towel for at least 1 hour. Remove from bowl, shape into loaf. Allow to sit at least 30min more on baking pan to continue rising. Preheat oven to 400 F, put a baking dish with water in the bottom rack of the oven. Hash the top of the loaf. Bake 40 min, checking at 30 min.
Besides that, I guess I wasn't in a great mood this week. Very lackluster, wasn't too happy with myself. Apologies to everyone who had to deal with me this week, including my horse. This quarter just wore me down. As it is looking next year, I may not need to take winter quarter (I would still need to take spring quarter, as there is a required class that quarter, but I have enough credits to take a quarter off), and maybe I should do that and just work. My fear would be finding a job for three months, but I am nothing if not resourceful.
On Friday I got to study at a friend's house (the first time I've ever done that at UW-it was a weekly occurrence at WU), then we went to a house party. I had a great time, it was so nice to see people. Seattle is a little lonely. I feel like I spend most of my time with my horse, who though awesome, isn't the best conversationalist.
Today I was massively productive- I rode, cleaned the whole house, studied, and applied for a job (the park ranger position). There is an aquatic wildlife specialist position that I'm hoping to knock off an application for this week, too. Other than that, I'm just getting really excited for spring break. Leo and I should have a great time, and then when he leaves I will start my garden, get to spend some quality time with my pony love, hopefully go hiking, and start my yoga class! Oh, and I think I've decided to brew my own kombucha. I was avoiding it, in fear of giving myself food poisoning, but if a microbiologist can't avoid campylobacter, who can? I've been drinking a fair amount of it, and it's just too expensive not to make my own.
Well, this is as much time as I can justify not studying, since I know I won't get a lot done after I pick Leo up tomorrow. So excited! Oh yeah, it's my birthday on Monday too, so that should be good :) I will write a post next week of my adventures. I'm going to try to remember to bring my camera when Leo and I have adventures this time. Hope everyone has a great week, I know I will (excepting finals).
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